pts20040421002 in Forschung

LED light source with special plastic optical components

Brunswick (pts002/21.04.2004/08:00) The specialist in optics and plastics technology, Leica Projektion GmbH Zett Geräte, and the manufacturer of electro-optical modules, DieMount GmbH, in collaboration.

The specialist in optics and plastics technology, Leica Projektion GmbH Zett Geräte, the Brunswick subsidiary of Leica Camera AG, is collaborating in the deveolpment and manufacture of LED light sources and lighting systems with DieMount GmbH, Erfurt, a manufacturer of electro-optical modules.

The partners, Leica Projektion and DieMount, are to work together on new business and technical solutions to produce LED light sources with plastic optical parts with hitherto unequalled quality and beam intensity. The first results have already been presented at the Hannover Fair 2003. These are new LED light sources with narrow beam-width that concentrate the light from a high-efficiency LED chip into a small solid angle. At the same time, the current flowing through the LED is kept small, so that the operating life of the light source is significantly increased. The radiation properties of LEDs enable, for example, traffic signal lamps to be pointed directly at the observer without the side scattering of light that occurs with customary LED modules. Applications in medicine, in sensors and in microscopy are also possible.

The near-parallel light beams also make it easy to realise white light sources by mixing the primary colours, red green and blue. Every wavelength - including infrared up to 1.3 micron-metre - will shortly be available.

In this collaboration, Leica Projektion is responsible for the development of the optical components, including optical calculations, as well as the manufacture and marketing of the optical application in accordance with customer specifications. DieMount is responsible for the manufacture of the LED light source basic components.

For further information:

Leica Projektion GmbH Zett Geräte
Marion Lingenauer
Tel. ++49-531-590 04-0

DieMount GmbH
Dr. Hans Kragl
Tel. ++49-361-65 39-280

Zingler Text & PR
Martina Zingler
Tel. ++49-5341-39 33 56

Aussender: pts - Presseinformation (D)
Ansprechpartner: Martina Zingler
Tel.: ++49-5341-39 33 56