pts20090811011 in Business

Small giants in the pellets market: pellets stoves on the rise

The Interpellets 2009 trade fair presents valuable information

Pforzheim (pts011/11.08.2009/10:30) Stoves fuelled by wood pellets account for around 10 percent of all pellets installations in Germany. According to the German Energy Pellets Association (DEPV), 14,000 of these systems will have been installed by the end of the year. In Italy, a total of around 700,000 pellets stoves have already been installed. The Interpellets 2009 trade fair will provide a comprehensive overview of pellets heaters and boilers in all performance categories: Around 150 exhibitors will present a wide range of state-of-the-art products, services and technical solutions for wood pellet applications. Interpellets 2009 will take place from October 7-9 at the New Stuttgart Trade Fair Center. Immediately beforehand, from October 6 - 7, the 9th Pellets Industry Forum will attract around 500 industry experts from around the world.

Automated, modern and efficient heating with pellets stoves
Pellets stoves are being installed in a growing number of German homes. With a wide range of designs available, pellets stoves can be adapted to any look or function: they heat domestic water and support the central heating system during spring and fall, or they are used to heat individual rooms. Air duct pellets stoves, for example, are attractive and easy to use - and present a true alternative to fireplaces and tiled stoves. A fully automated conveyor transports wood pellets from an integrated storage tank to the combustion chamber. Here, the pellets are ignited electrically. The quantity of wood pellets burned can be regulated via the desired heating output or room temperature. High-quality pellets stoves are equipped with a digital-electronic monitoring system which controls the ideal balance of combustion air, pellets volume and operating temperature. "This enables combustion to be perfectly coordinated, creating minimum emissions and maximum efficiency. This contributes to economical and efficient heating management," explains Horst Dufner, Project Manager of Interpellets.

Pellets systems which have a "water jacket" containing a heat exchanger are also able to heat entire buildings: .heating water circulates through this system. The pellets system heats water, which can be used to heat both domestic water and the rest of the house when connected to the heating and water system. This type of heating does not require a separate cellar or heating room. A pellets heater can often cover all a building's heating requirements, particularly for renovated buildings which meet the low energy house standard and for newly built passive houses.

A perfect combination: pellets and solar installations
Pellets stoves use between 60% and 95% of their output for heating water, while excess heat is given off into the room. Combining such a system with a solar installation is ideal to make use of the excess heat all year round. A solar thermal, flat or vacuum tube collector will heat potable water in summer and support space heating during spring and fall. Both pellets heaters and solar installations supply their energy to a buffer storage tank.

Italy: Short heating season, hardly any central heating systems - 700,000 pellets stoves installed
The Italian heating market is one of the largest markets for pellets heaters: Currently around 700,000 heaters have been installed almost exclusively in residential buildings all over Italy. The reason: Central heating systems are unusual in Italy; the heating season is only 120 days - much shorter than in Germany, for example. Pellets production in Italy is geared towards meeting the needs of home owners, who typically buy small 15kg bags. Pellets consumption has grown from 150,000 metric tons in 2001 to around 800,000 metric tons last year. Since the production volume of 650,000 metric tons does not cover demand, pellets have to be imported from other European countries.

In addition to those for large pellets boilers, state subsidies are also available pellets stoves. Germany has the "Market Incentive Program for Renewable Energies" funded by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA). The minimum subsidy for pellets heaters with water jackets is Eur1,000. For air duct pellets heaters between 5 and 100kW, a fixed rate subsidy of Eur500 has been available since July 1, 2009, but this must not correspond to more than 20% of the net investment costs. Additional subsidies are available for combination with solar installations.

A whole host of expertise at the Interpellets trade fair: Overview of innovations in pellets technology
From October 7 - 9 at the New Stuttgart Trade Fair Center, Interpellets 2009 will present a whole host of wood pellets expertise: information on financial subsidies, advice on pellets heaters and boilers in all performance classes in combination with solar installations, as well as an overview of the entire value-added chain of the pellets industry. A valuable information platform, Interpellets 2009 brings together pellets industry producers, traders and suppliers, who present their technical solutions, services and innovations. Around 500 trade experts are also expected to attend the accompanying 9th Pellets Industry Forum trade congress on October 6 and 7. They will discuss current trends in European pellets markets, as well as the challenges they face and their future prospects.

Detailed program of the 9th Pellets Industry Forum:

Organizers and supporters of Interpellets 2009 and the 9th Pellets Industry Forum:

The Interpellets 2009 trade fair and the 9th Pellets Industry Forum are organized by Solar Promotion GmbH, Pforzheim, Germany. Funding for the event is provided by the German Energy Pellets Association (DEPV) and the German Solar Energy Society (DGS).

Sponsors of the 9th Pellets Industry Forum:

Gold Sponsor: FireStixx Holzenergie GmbH

Silver Sponsors:
Meneba B.V., Ökofen Heiztechnik GmbH, Paradigma Deutschland GmbH, RIKA Innovative Ofentechnik GmbH and Schellinger KG.

Bronze Sponsors:
BayWa AG, Energie, Bühler AG, DIN CERTCO, EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH, GEE Energy GmbH & Co. KG, Haas + Sohn, SHT Heiztechnik aus Salzburg GmbH, Solarfocus GmbH, STELA Laxhuber GmbH, Windhager Zentralheizung GmbH and wodtke GmbH.

Further information on Interpellets 2009 and the 9th Pellets Industry Forum;

Solar Promotion GmbH
Martin Pfränger / Horst Dufner
P.O. Box 100 170
75101 Pforzheim, Germany

Phone +49 (0)7231 / 58 59 8-0
Fax +49 (0)7231 / 58 59 8-28

Press contact:
Press office Interpellets 2009 and 9th Pellets Industry Forum
c/o pr.moebitz Gabriele Möbitz
Freiaustraße 58
79100 Freiburg, Germany
Phone +49 (0)761 / 881 49-84
Fax +49 (0)761 / 881 49-85

Aussender: Solar Promotion GmbH
Ansprechpartner: Horst Dufner/Martin Pfränger
Tel.: 07231 - 58 598 - 0